Tough angling season concludes

Renier Cornelius with his kob of 44.8kg*
Barry Tedder
SOME good catches of garrick and kob have been reported, being the predominate species.
A reminder that the bag limit for garrick is two and the minimum length is 70cm and for kob it is only one per day and the minimum length is 60cm.
The larger challenging inedible species have been scarce and hopefully after these good spring rains and with summer approaching, these fish will soon be making an appearance.
The monthly pendant claim for the edible category went to Renier Cornelius of Mtunzini Angling Club with his fine 44.8kg kob while the inedible pendant went to Wesley Rapson of Kwambo Angling Club for his dusky shark of 132kg.
The first common venue competition was fished between Tinley Manor and Tongaat River.
Mentally this was a tough one with the south westerly buster making angling conditions unpleasant and resulting in a total blow out with only eleven fish caught for the day during the eight-hour competition.
Kwambo A took top spot for the day on 10.8 points, followed by Kwambo B with 8.6 points and Tugela Club on 7.5 points.
Top angler both overall and in the master division went to Dougie Nel of Kwambo.
Heaviest edible went to Nicolaas Naidoo with a fine 3.5kg stumpy with Gruyer van Huyssteen taking the heaviest inedible, a 6.6kg dusky shark.
The next common venue competition's boundaries where set from Cape Vidal to Mission Rocks.
With 3-3.5m swells to contend with, anglers went for smaller fish species in the holes and gullies which proved to be the right tactic for the day.
Tugela A took top position on 59.6 points, followed by Umzingazi A on 53.2 points and Richards Bay A on 48.6 points.
Top junior went to Justin Carroll of Tugela on 13.6 points. Top woman was shared between Nicky Pereira and Janien Hughes on 8.6 points both of the Richards Bay Club.
Top master went to Basil Moodley on 12.3 points of Kwambo Club while top senior on 16.5 points went to Anand Naicker of Umzingazi Club.
The next competition, being a postal, will be on Saturday 4 and Sunday 5 October.
Sad passing
One of Zululand's long standing members passed away last week. Ted Clark was currently a member of the St Lucia Angling Club. To his family and friends, we offer our deepest condolences.
Top 10 anglers for the last round
1 A Naicker - 16.5
2 CJ Visagie - 15.4
3 D Ngubane - 14.2
4 J Carroll 13.6
5 D Britz - 12.7
6 M Killian - 12.5
7 B Moodley - 12.3
8 C Woodley - 10.3
9 A Pieters - 10.0
10 B Tedder - 9.8.
Top 10 teams
1 Tugela A - 59.6 points (20 fish)
2 Umzingazi A - 53.2 points (22 fish)
3 Richards Bay A - 48.6 points (19 fish)
4 Kwambo A - 38.6 pts (18 fish)
5 St Lucia A - 36.5 points (16 fish)
6 Kwambo B - 28.9 points (11 fish)
7 Tugela B - 26.5 points (12 fish)
8 St Lucia B - 22.4 points (10 fish)
9 Mtunzini A - 21 points (8 fish)
10 Richards Bay B - 15.5 points.
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