Sunday, October 17, 2010

Richards Bay local angler Danton vs The Big One #3

As the fight stretched on things was unraveling and technology lost ground as beast flexed its mussel. All was thrown into the battle as beast stood its ground. The monster entered the last round and went for broke ...

We will never know if this is a sign of defeat or relief but in the last effort to turn the huge sting ray the Bimini knot came undone or un raveled and as suddenly as it began the fight was over.

Authors Note
Since the author struggled with equipment past it's sell by date we did not get a photo the one time the Big brown back of the ray surfaced and showed its splashing power as it struggled back into the safety of the deep. We had one glance of the monster and guessing the sizes is all we are left to do ... my closest estimation of the size is that the point of nose to wing tip was between 660 and 750 mm. This could have been a fish of between 35 and 40kg or even bigger. It is always dangerous to guess a fish size but using ORI to calculate the size of a Ray or a Shark it is possible to know that this one was on the better side of 30kg.

Well done Danton and hope the next one producess better pictures ...

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