Saturday, October 30, 2010

St Lucia Estuary Mouth

While people are catching Grunter in the mouth area many is concened about the opening and closing of the mouth. Residents will confirm that the beach area experience cycles related to weather and wind paterns.

It is because of this changes that recreational beach drivimg is still contested. Nature is prescribe by no one and millions of tons of sand is moved by the ocean over two tides in one day. No amount of beach drivig can influance the liquidfication of sea sand.

After a dry spell Zululaand have experienced the past four months has lead to the formation of a sand bank betweeb the mouth and the ocean. this raises the question, since this is poisend top soil brought down by the rivers, why not charge people to drive on this redundant ever changing beach area?

Ownership of the income is of the greatest concern I would guess.

We will experience a digging fase over the next couple of months and the ocean will move this sand to a diffrent location. Where to is a mystery since sediment movement is not tracked or calculated along this streach of coast.

Thus said Cyclone season in Mozambique has a great impact on coastal sediment movement all along the Mozambique Coastal plane wich has its Southern Most tip at iSimangaliso Wetlands Park and streaches all along the East Coast of Africa.

So only time will tell what the time frame of sefiment movement is going to be from now until the next breach into the ocean by the Estuary.

Beach Driving ... Yes or No

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