Thursday, December 3, 2009

Nightfishing closed at Chelmsford

November 26, 2009;

MEDIA RELEASE No: 2009 - 19  

For Immediate release:
Ezemvelo KZN Wildlife announces that with effect from 1 December 2009 all public overnight fishing in the Chelmsford Nature Reserve near Newcastle, will cease.
In addition the gate will no longer operate on a 24-hour basis and will operate from 05.00 to 19.00 in summer (01 October to 31 March), and from 06.00 to 18.00 in winter (01 April to 30 September).
The only overnight fishing that will be permitted will be by members of recognised, properly constituted fishing clubs who will need to make timeous arrangements for their activities with the management of the reserve, and who will only be allowed to use certain areas.
Visitors who are booked into either the campsite or chalets at Chelmsford may also fish overnight if they so wish provided they do not disturb other chalet guests or campers in any way.
Should any overnight anglers create a disturbance they will instructed to leave the nature reserve immediately.
“We regret having to take this step, but we can no longer afford the cost of security for our campers and chalet residents as well as for our gate and scattered groups of fishermen,” said Dr Bandile Mkhize, Ezemvelo KZN Wildlife CEO.
“We were also obliged to close down overnight fishing at Wagendrift Dam near Estcourt some time ago as the security situation there was exacerbated by incidents of vandalism, theft from visitors, littering and instances of unacceptable behaviour often fuelled by drunkenness,” he said.
“The situation at Chelmsford is little different as we have had serious incidents of vandalism and theft of doors and fittings from our picnic site facilities throughout the Reserve,” said Dr Mkhize.
“We have also had swimmers, fishermen and children at both dams injured by hooks and glass from broken bottles scattered along the water’s edge,“ he added.
Visitors gaining access to Chelmsford Nature Reserve by using the Rhino Club Gold Card should note that use of the card does not entitle them to overnight fishing privileges.

 AJG/           Media Release No: 2009 - 19   25/11/2009
For further information contact the Media Manager on 033 845 1235; email or fax 033 845 1299.

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